Directions to No Name Park
No Name Park
Tour: Once Upon A Time, Happily Ever After… #1 (7/7)
Note: Google Maps directions may try to send you back a block or so, but there’s a crosswalk with a signal at Hanover, so continue south to get to this stop.
Park bench on hillside. Note: Google Maps labels it Pine Knoll Park, but as noted in the audio, there is no signage to this effect.
Interview: Writer, Publisher and Social Critic, Ishmael Reed
Music: “Oakland Blues,” words by Ishmael Reed, Composed by Carmen Moore, performed by Conjure; “When I’m Gone,” written and performed by Jimmy McCracklin; “Oakland,” written and performed by Goodtime Washboard Three
- Ishmael Reed on Oakland Wiki
- “Oakland” (song) on Oakland Wiki