Medu Neter mural

Artists: Natty Rebel and Rtystk “Medu Neta” is an illustration of the power and the playfulness of the Black Woman.  She reads ancient Egyptian text as she uses her alchemic power to bubble over her shoulder.

Calypso Queen mural

Artist: Momma Oni Description: Inspired by pristine nature, sacred geometry and the beauty of motherhood, Oni’s artwork aims to reflect divine creation. This piece is inspired by the Caribbean and Orisha culture. Designed with community upliftment in mind, Oni used bright colors and the rhythm of music to highlight the strength and glory of the …

Black Liberation

Black Spaces Matter. The Black Liberation Walking Tour (BLWT) is a community-led cultural asset map celebrating Hoover-Foster’s multi-generational Black history and culture. It asserts resident voices and documents sites of cultural and historical significance in the neighborhood. It celebrates belonging through the 100+ year narrative ribbon leading from the early West Coast civil rights movement through the second wave of the …

California Hotel

Few buildings reflect the past century of Oakland’s ever-shifting culture better than the California Hotel. When it opened in 1930, the hotel was intended to serve travelers arriving to the East Bay on the Santa Fe Railroad, which operated a thriving depot a few blocks north at the intersection of San Pablo Ave. and 40th …